Faith Formation

Faith Formation

Grades K through 12 Faith Formation Registration and Sacramental Preparation

You must be registered at St. Joan of Arc for your child to participate in the Religious Education program. Please only register one child per form.

The Faith Formation registration fee will be $40.00 per child (maximum $120.00 per family in K - 12). Sacramental Preparation fees are $30 for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist and $80 for Confirmation. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is $100 per child. If there is a financial need, register your child and the stewardship of the parish will provide the assistance needed.

Student Information

May We Contact Directly? *

Faith Information

Has this student been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church? * *
Has this student received the Sacrament of Reconciliation? *
Has this student received First Holy Communion? *
Has this student received the Sacrament of Confirmation? *
Did this student attend faith formation classes at St. Joan of Arc last year? *
Does this student attend Catholic School? *
Registering for First Reconciliation? *

(7 years AND 2nd grade minimum)

Registering for First Communion? *

(7 years AND 2nd grade minimum)

Registering for Confirmation? *

(15 years AND 10th grade minimum)

Registering for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? (Level I) *

(3-6 years, not yet having received First Communion)

Medical Information

Learning Disability? *
Chronic Condition/illness? *
Food allergies? *
Other allergies? *
On regular/daily medication? *

Parent's Information

Is this student's mother deceased? *
Is this student's mother divorced? *
Is this student's father deceased? *
Is this student's father divorced? *

Registering Parent/Guardian Information

Registration for Sacramental Preparation is a year- long commitment to attending BOTH Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation. There is a minimum attendance requirement to be considered properly catechized.

Parent attendance is required at Sacramental Preparation sessions for each Sacrament. Those preparing for the Sacraments will have to submit a certified copy of his/her baptismal certificate to the Religious Education staff.

Volunteer Opportunities

I will volunteer in one or more of the following ways:
Grade(s) interesting in volunteering with

Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our diocese to notify civil authorities,
call the Attorney General’s Clergy Abuse Hotline at 1-833-454-9064, and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance at 1-877-887-9603.